Solvers receive Bell Seal Silver Medal Award Certification

Ashland solvers Jackie Lewis and Brian Hudson, of the Ashland Columbus-Hillard plant, have received the Bell Seal Silver Medal Award Certification, sponsored by the Mental Health America Group, for their efforts to address mental health in the workplace.

Lewis and Hudson have advocated for years about drug and alcohol awareness education that is provided at many Ashland sites and in communities in which Ashland operate. Their passion stems from their own personal journeys with a loved one that has struggled with substance abuse and mental health issues.

Lewis and Hudson received training and a three-year certification for mental health first aid responders through the National Council for Behavioral Health. They learned how to provide initial assistance to people experiencing mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders.

“This is the first step to implement a mental health program at our site,” said Jackie Lewis, administrative assistant. “After many years of an excellent alcohol awareness program, we believe we are ready to move to the next level and implement a mental health program in parallel.”

Most of the corporations participating were from the health care industry. Ashland represents the only manufacturing company and was applauded for efforts to bring attention to the issue in the workplace.

“Our vision is to continue taking our initiatives in educating employees and their family members on the disease of drug and alcohol addiction and mental health disease to all Ashland sites,” said Brian Hudson, quality specialist.



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