filmQA pro™ user add-ons

FilmQA™ Pro allows add ons implementing

  • treatment Objects (FilmQA Pro data)
  • tools (methods to edit and visualize treatment objects)
  • treatment plan reader (methods to read Treatment Plan System files)
  • bitmap comparison maps (methods to compare bitmaps, e.g. gamma map)
  • calibration functions (functions to correlate calibration data).

FilmQA™ Pro is implemented using the .NET frame work and Add-ons are provided in .NET assemblies (*.dll libraries). .NET assemblies can be generated using any of the many .NET languages available (most widely used is C#, the language FilmQA Pro is written in). One of the Integrated development environments to create .NET assemblies is Microsoft Visual Studio - Microsoft provides a free of charge Visual Studio Express version sufficient to built add-ons for FilmQA™ Pro.

Each add-on type must implement specific interface definition that is part of the FilmQA Pro libraries.

Add-on management can be accessed via “Panel” menu bar item as shown below.
addons 1.png

Assigned add-ons are saved together with the ‘case data’ configuration accessible underneath the ‘case data selector’ control via the
addons 2.png
button as shown below.

addons 3.png



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